GFSI Certification: Freshcare

Freshcare operates as an industry benefit organisation, providing assurance standards for the Australian fresh produce industry.

Freshcare started as an on-farm food safety program developed by fresh produce industry experts, in response to the need for a practical, cost effective, industry focussed food safety program. Based on GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) principles, Freshcare was designed to allow it to be implemented by all grower businesses, regardless of crops, size of operation or location in Australia.

Freshcare’s practical approach to helping growers and packers assure customers that their produce is safe to eat and sustainably grown has seen thousands of fresh produce businesses adopt the Freshcare program since its launch in July 2000.

Freshcare is Australia’s largest fresh produce assurance program, and since its’ humble beginnings has continued to develop and progress and now provides a suite of assurance standards for the Australian fresh produce and wine industries, which include:

  • Freshcare Food Safety & Quality – On-farm Standard
  • Freshcare Food Safety & Quality – Supply Chain Standard
  • Freshcare Environmental – On-farm Standard
  • Freshcare Australian Wine Industry Standard of Sustainable Practice – Viticulture
  • Freshcare Australian Wine Industry Standard of Sustainable Practice – Winery
  • Freshcare provides science-based, practical, prescriptive standards, supported by user-friendly resources and a required training component, to ensure they are delivered consistently to particpants.

The Freshcare Standards undergo regular reviews, to ensure the Standards continue to fulfil the requirements of domestic and international markets; incorporate the most current science; and remain practical and relevant for the many industry users.


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